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Old Angel

(original 3D animated short)

An animated short by Dony Chiang / H.C.Studio(Winner of the Royal Reel Award in 2013 Canada International Film Festival)

Old Angel once hurt his wings. He came to the forest to mend his wings among the colossal trees.


His wings have healed, but he's been here for a long, long time. So long that he's forgotten how it feels to fly. But he just can't forget...

Art direction - Dony Chiang

Design - Dony Chiang

Animation - Dony Chiang & H.C.Studio members









一個翅膀曾經嚴重受傷過的老天使, 一直棲息在森林裡的深處角落, 時間長到他並不知道翅膀是不是已經恢復了只是他已經失去了再次飛翔的勇氣,


直到有一天, 隨著成群遷徙而過的小天使, 在飛翔的旅途中間, 回頭注意到了這片森林, 好像被呼喚似地降落了下來...

Old Angel [ 老天使] Completed Animated MV [原創動畫MV]

Old Angel [ 老天使] Completed Animated MV [原創動畫MV]

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